Sunday, September 25, 2011

Zoo day!

Monday we kept Hayden home from daycare and instead went to the zoo! We had gone last year but Hayden wasn't too interested in the animals. He liked looking at the fish and birds but he was a little scared of the monkeys (which was surprising because he loves monkeys!). Also, we went in mid-May on a Thursday which is apparently the time of the year in which EVERY elementary school takes their students to the zoo! It was way crowded and a lot of the animals were hard to get close to just because you'd have to fight six or seven 6-8 year olds just to get to the glass!  This time around there were just a handful of people there and the animals were all out and about!

This little squirrel had jumped into the trash can!

Hayden had a great time! He wasn't too impressed with the Rainforest or the American farm (the animals were just too close) but if the animals were separated by glass he was right up there!

Meanwhile Tucker slept almost through the entire place, only really waking up when he got his diaper changed and even then it was only long enough to eat!

After the zoo we stopped at Target (where the checker called Tucker a girl - not sure why because the blanked in the car seat was blue and he was wearing a green and brown sleeper with frogs on the feet!) and then at Lowes. I decided to stay in the car with the boys at Lowes so I could try and get Tucker to eat again. While getting back into the car, I hit my ankle on the door and told Hayden "ouch I just hurt my ankle" to which  he replied "Oh damn it!" Apparently I've used that phrase one too many times around him because he's been saying it A LOT! Forgot three year olds repeat EVERYTHING - especially the things you don't want them to! Just hope that changes before Kindergarten!

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