Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hayden's 3 year doctor's appointment

Usually (and especially in public), Hayden is a pretty good kid! He has his moments when he gets loud but what 3 year old doesn't? Mom and I took the boys to the Clinic for Hayden's appointment, not expecting anything out of the ordinary. Boy were we in for a surprise! Hayden was quiet in the waiting room but as soon as we went back and the nurse tried to weigh him all hell broke loose! He did not want to take his shoes off and he absolutely did NOT want to take his clothes off! For what seemed like hours (but was really probably only 10 or 15 minutes) Hayden screamed and cried at the top of his lungs shouting "no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!". Then he'd throw himself in the corner or resort to slapping me in the face. At one time he even kicked me in the chest which any nursing mother will know hurts like holy hell! Finally Dr. Miller came in and Hayden calmed down enough to let Dr. do his job! After that he was fine! Even let the nurse give him his Flu Mist (the flu vaccine in a form that can be given in the nose) without so much as a whimper! My big boy weighed in at 28 lbs (about the 15th percentile for his age) and 38 and 3/4 inches long (about the 75th percentile)! So he's tall and skinny! Not a surprise if you see his dad and uncles! But the best part about the whole appointment? Baby brother slept through the entire tantrum!

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