Sunday, September 25, 2011

Potty Training

We've been trying to work with Hayden on potty training for a couple months now. He does really pretty good on the weekend. Have very few accidents when we're at home and has even gotten better at not having accidents in his pull-up at daycare! Still haven't moved to big-boy underwear at daycare yet but we're getting there! Sometimes though, we'd rather play with our underwear rather than wear them like a normal kid!

For some reason he thought it was a good idea to run around with his clean underwear around his ankles. Then Grandma got the idea to put the underwear on his head! Such a silly boy!

Every week I want to get a picture of my boys together just to document how much they change over the course of a year! Here's a picture of Hayden and Tucker at Tucker's one week birthday!

He's still a little guy but I'm pretty sure he's gotten lots bigger in 1 week! ;)

Here's a few more pictures of the boys from the weekend


  1. I want to butthump your sons ass hard

    1. talk to me on wickr im 12 and a boy and my name on there is Hizashi

  2. Can I have sex with you hizashi I. Like young boys

  3. Can I have sex with you hizashi I. Like young boys
