Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Leaving the Hospital

After a decent nights sleep (well as decent as could be expected for a hospital), we were ready to hit the road and get home. We could have stayed another day if we wanted but not only did I feel 10 times better than the first time around, I wanted my own bed! And I know Jason did too!

Before we could leave, though, Mr. Tucker had a few things he had to do first. Dr. Miller came in to see him and we found out that what we thought was a bruise on his left wrist is actually a birthmark. It's just a tiny little area on the back of his wrist that's almost unnoticeable unless you're looking for it. Next came circumcision time. So for now he has a little plastic ring on the tip of his penis which should fall off in about 7 or 8 days. (At least I think that's what they said - trying to do this in hindsight and I'm not doing so hot!!!) I feel bad the little guy had to go through that but at least he won't remember the pain of it!

After circumcision, Tucker had his first photo shoot. I'm kind of glad we did it but not happy about how it was presented. Tucker was delivered at Promise Regional Medical Center in Hutchinson, KS. In the last three years, the hospital underwent several changes and added several new services, one of which was to contract out a photographer to take photos of newborns before they leave the hospital. The photo shoot takes place right in the hospital room and is basically a bunch of pictures taken with different hats and different fabrics used as backgrounds. The images are wonderful but pricey. My issue with the whole thing was how it was presented. The photographer came into the room, introduced herself and the service, handed us a brochure with the prices and before we even had a chance to look at the brochure set up a time to come back. Then she left. Between the time that she left and the time the shoot was scheduled for, there was little time to actually discuss what we wanted to do and if we even wanted to do it in the first place! Then, after the shoot was over, the photographer spent about 5 minutes uploading and editing the photos and then showed them to us. She had a laptop hooked up to a 17in flat screen, turned the lights off and played the images in a slideshow with some damn Alison Kraus song playing along. Totally bought it hook, line and sinker! Here I am, barely 24 hours after giving birth and this chick is playing off of every hormonal emotion possible!! So I got caught by the photographer with tears streaming down my face so you know she's thinking "sweet got another one".  We sent her out of the room and discussed it and ended up purchasing a CD of the images. I feel bad that we didn't get one with Hayden but, like Jason said, they didn't   have the service available at the time.

A couple hours later, Tucker passed his hearing and PKU tests and we finally were able to leave! After a quick pit stop at Target we finally made it home and Tucker got to meet his furry "brothers" for the first time. Sammy didn't care much one way or the other (of course he's almost blind so it's not like he probably saw him anyway) but Jager had to sniff him up one side and down the other! He's actually very gentle and very good with children for a 100lb German Shepherd with an intimidating bark!

Later that evening Tucker had his first visitors - our friends Chris, Kendra and Brayden Shaw. Then it came time for bed. We started getting ready

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