Sunday, March 25, 2012


The weather has been beautiful! The grass is greening up and the days are getting longer! So in an effort to get back in shape I decided to take the boys for a walk after Jason went to work. This proved to be something of a challenge, however. I have a double stroller but it has a flat tire that needs to have the tube replaced. My next idea was to put both boys in the wagon and pull them behind me. But the carseat wouldn't fit in the wagon. So I decided to put Hayden in the stroller and put Tucker in the front carrier. The front carrier had an added bonus of putting Tucker to sleep!

Hayden is really starting to become a conversationalist. Throughout the entire walk Hayden had to point out every item we saw: pine cones on the ground, the various types of trees, squirrels, cars, fire hydrants, stop signs. If he knew what it was he was pointing it out! Ok he was pointing out everything whether he knew what it was or not - even pointing at people walking down the street!

Halfway into our walk Hayden announced he needed to go potty. He's pretty well potty trained (his only problem now is over night and he still wears a pull up at bed) but I thought that he might be ok until we got home. Thankfully the hospital is right at that halfway point. While walking past the back side of the hospital Hayden repeats that he needs to go potty. And repeats it and repeats it and repeats it and damn near screams it! So I picked up the pace a little bet and walked around to the front of the hospital. Thankfully there was no one in the ER waiting room when we walked in (would hate to explain why I was walking into the hospital with a kid in a stroller and one in a front carrier). I ushered Hayden to the nearest bathroom and left as quickly as we came in!

The end of our walk came just as the last bits of sun were sinking past the horizon. It was still fairly warm out with only a little bit of a breeze so the boys and I sat on the steps of the front porch enjoying the night. Hayden loves to point out the moon whenever he sees it. Tonight there was no moon but the stars were bright enough for us to count them which Hayden did quite well - even saw a few before I did! Love nights like these!

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