Sunday, March 11, 2012

everyone better

Superbowl Sunday everyone was feeling better (Jason and I each got a touch of something) and we got to enjoy the Superbowl as a family for the first time in 3 years!

Tuckers has started a new trick - blowing bubbles!

Hayden also had a first this weekend - a soapy mouth.  Somewhere along the way he added the word "dumbass" to his vocabulary. I honestly couldn't tell you where it came from as I know Jason and I are both guilty of saying it (and Gaga Brown too for that matter). While hanging out before we needed to get ready for the Superbowl, Hayden was playing with his Star Wars guys. The figures were "hitting" each other and Hayden was making them have conversations with each other. Next thing I know one knocks the other down and Hayden says "dumbass". I corrected him and told him we don't say that word. He grins at me and says it again. I got more stern with him and told him if he said it again he was getting soap in his mouth. He kept on grinning but went back to playing. Not even three seconds later he said it again. I put Tucker down (which didn't impress him) and took Hayden by the hand to the bathroom, screaming the entire way. I put some soap on a washcloth and tried shoving it in his mouth. It barely touched his lip and the front of one tooth and the tears came pouring! I quickly got his teeth brushed with some toothpaste and let him rinse it out. I felt bad but at least he hasn't said it again!

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