Sunday, March 11, 2012

star wars weekend

Star Wars Episode I came out in theaters in 3D this weekend! At poker night Bri and I had been talking about how we'd like to see it and how awesome it would be to watch all six movies in order from Episode I through Episode VI (or Return of the Jedi for those of you familiar with the original theatrical release titles!). So we made plans to watch them this weekend since she had Friday off of school.

So Friday I made plans to meet Gaga Vickie in Newton to pick Bri up for the weekend. Since I could only take a half day off work and we were meeting at 12:30, they were planning to stop at McDonalds on their way out of town. The only problem with this was that the McDonalds in Augusta had been demolished in order to rebuild it in a slightly different location! Fail. Not to worry though because there's a McDonalds in Newton! Fail again. The McDonalds in Newton was closed for renovations. So Bri had to wait til McPherson to get McDonalds.

10 chicken nuggets and a fast trip to Wal-Mart we started our movies at about 2 pm. Jason had worked the night before so missed all of Episode I. Then he started to feel ill and went back upstairs in the middle of Episode II. He stayed upstairs the rest of the evening so after Tucker fell asleep after we started Episode III, I let him hang out with Jason. That left Hayden, Bri and I to finish Episode III by ourselves. I've always thought that Episode III was the most intense of the six movies because it shows Anakin Skywalker's final descent into evil and becoming Darth Vader. The music throughout the entire movie is very dark and intense and there is a lot of dark undertones. Hayden's only been able to sit through this movie once or twice but not without burying his head in mine or Jason's side. So I wasn't sure how well watching Episode III was going to go this time especially because it wasn't going to get over until 10:30-11:00. My concern was short lived, though, as Hayden fell asleep well before the extremely intense part where Anakin and Obi Wan Kenobi fight in the lava pit.

Saturday morning Tucker was of course the first person awake. So he and I went to the living room to feed him his bottle. The next person to come to the couch? Bri! She hadn't been able to sleep very well the night before because I was a moron and had forgotten to get the comforter out of the dryer before we went to bed so she was freezing most of the night! I felt horrible! But everyone getting up early worked out in our favor because we were able to start and end Episode IV (A New Hope; and my personal favorite of the 6) before lunch! Bri, Hayden and I finished the last two movies by ourselves as Jason still wasn't feeling great.

This weekend also happened to be the weekend Breaking Dawn came out on video. So because we finished Return of the Jedi around 5:00, Bri and I decided we needed to watch Breaking Dawn and Jason needed to watch it with us. Before we could start it though Jason decided we needed supper first. This stalling allowed Hayden the chance to realize that The Lion King was on the Disney channel. Once that movie started he refused to move from the couch in the living room. So we left him there and started our movie in the basement.

Jason was not impressed with the movie at all. In fact he spend more time on his iPad than he did actually watching the movie. Hayden never came downstairs either. But we weren't really surprised. He hadn't taken a nap all day and when we came back up after Breaking Dawn ended we found Hayden passed out on the couch. Jason took him back to our bedroom and the two of them went to bed. Bri and I weren't done watching movies though. Our goal was to watch the other 3 Twilight movies that night too. We only made it through the original movie before we were ready to go to bed. However, we did note that Bella blinked rapidly at least 163 times throughout the movie! That girl has some issues!

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