Sunday, March 25, 2012

tucker's first sick call

Had to call the doctor for the first time for Tucker :(

Over the weekend Tucker started coughing. Wasn't anything new or that sounded too bad until Sunday night. The cough became louder and it sounded like he was wheezing a little bit when he did cough. I was really hoping it was nothing since he wasn't running a fever and he was still taking his bottle like normal! But when it was still the same the next morning I decided I better call.

It was a good thing I did! For as happy as he was he had a bronchial inflammation and an ear infection! So Tucker got his first round of amoxicilin and to use a nebulizer. The first time I gave him the amoxicilin from the dropper he took it quite well. The second and third times were a disaster - he'd just spit it out all over his clothes or the burp rag. After that I just put it in his bottle or in with his cereal. The nebulizer was another catastrophe! I had to hold the end so it was right in front of his face and he hated it! If he was asleep it was no problem but if he was awake he would fight it!

Hopefully this is the last time we have to call the doctor for awhile!

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