Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hayden's disease

Hayden's only been truly sick one time (besides ear infections) and that's when they thought he had the "swine flu" when he was just a little over a year old. He had never thrown up and never had diarrhea.

Until last night that is...

The boys and I were asleep in our bed (Jason was at work) when something woke me up. Took me awhile to realize it was Hayden! He'd been using his pillow pet as a pillow lately and now the pillow was covered in vomit as was the back of my shirt and the sheets on the bed. I have no idea how he managed to miss Jason's pillow but I know he was glad he had!  Poor kid was sobbing, vomit all down the front of his jammies and down his chin. After getting him cleaned up, fresh jammies on and the bed stripped Hayden and I went back to sleep.

An hour later I get woke up by Hayden pushing on me and telling me he needed to throw up again. I got him up and rushed him to the bathroom telling him to "go in the toilet" the entire way. He got to the toilet but didn't lift up the lid and ended up throwing up all over the lid. At least it wasn't all over the bed again though!

Hayden slept the rest of the night and was actually in a good mood the next morning. So because he didn't act like anything was wrong, I got him dressed and took him to daycare. I should have known he wasn't 100% because he was clinging to my legs when I left daycare. He hadn't done that in months. I left anyway. Then I got a phone call while I was nearing the outskirts of town that Hayden had thrown his milk up all over the table.  Oooops. That was the last time he threw up that day but he was pretty happy to get to spend the rest of it at home with Daddy!

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