Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two Week Check up!

Tucker is now two weeks old! I was a little nervous about this appointment. When Hayden was a newborn he lost almost an entire pound and was slow to gain it back. The past several nights I've found it extremely difficult to get Tucker to wake up in the middle of the night to feed him let alone stay awake once he'd nursed on one side! Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I was awake for nearly two hours trying to get him to wake up! After a while I was so frustrated I was speaking out loud and crying which in turn woke Hayden up (Jason worked Monday and Tuesday and I was a softy and let the big guy sleep in my bed too). Of course, he's such a sweet boy he said "I give you a hug Mommy?" So because Tucker hadn't been eaten very well at night I was getting a little nervous he wouldn't have gained enough weight. As it turns out I was worried about nothing! He is now up to 6 pounds 13 ounces (almost an entire pound bigger than he was at birth!) and is 20 and a quarter inches long (2 inches longer than at birth!)! He's not huge by any means but definitely growing like he should!

This evening I took the boys out back to play. For about 20 minutes I'd hit the volleyball across the yard and Hayden would chase it down giggling the entire way! He kept telling me to "kick it to the sky!" Kick, hit, same difference when you're three right?

Two weeks old!!

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